He did what?!

Today is Sunday, obviously. So on Sundays every week I want to have a deeper, and more spiritual blog to really get you growing, and thinking throughout the week to come.

This morning, during the 2nd service at my church, my youth pastor, Justin preached to the congregation. First, let me just congratulate him on a great message, however, that sermon was not Justin’s. It was God-inspired and God-breathed. Anyways, Justin spoke of Jesus bearing our sins. Now, “bear” (the verb, not the big furry animal), according to Webster’s Dictionary, means: “to accept or endure (something)”. That being said…Jesus accepted our sins. He endured our sin. But not just that. Justin also mentioned the wrath of God, and how if Jesus endured our sin, then he must also endure the wrath of God for our sin. This is HUGE. What I’m saying is that Jesus, the only perfect being ever to walk the earth, the Son of God, The Lord Almighty, accepted and endured all of your “past, present, and future sins. Forever.” -Justin Grack                                               That’s just what I got out of the message this morning. Other’s may have got way more or way less out of it, but either way, Thank you, Justin, for being submissive to The Lord and following in His will.

“For Christ suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring you to God, after being put to death in the fleshly realm but made alive in the spiritual realm.” -1 Peter 3:18

It’s pretty amazing to think about God’s forgiveness and how wholesome it is. It blows my mind and I literally cannot fathom His infinite grace that he pours forth onto His children. You see, God views all sin the same. There is no “level” of sin. It’s just sin. For we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Yet while we were still sinner’s Christ died for us to save us from the death that we earned because of our sin.

Something to think about…Think of how huge God really is. He created the heavens, the skies, the earth, the entire universe, and EVERYTHING in it. Yet he cared enough about YOU and I to send his one and only Son to save US. To cover our backs and rescue us from an eternity in Hell.

Have a fantastic week and I pray that God uses this blog to continuously bless others and that The Holy Spirit will move and work in lives who need The Lord, and that each person that reads this post will be given hope and promise through God.

I love you,


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  1. emmanuel4180 · April 19, 2015

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